Quantum Leap Membership Options
Membership is available only to Quantum Leap graduates and students currently enrolled in one or more of our coach training programs. This section provides a brief overview of available options.
If you are not currently enrolled in one of our programs, but would like to learn more, please go to the Contact page and leave a message. We would love to hear from you.
You can also learn more by selecting the "Membership Options and Benefits" Link below the membership level that interests you.
Quantum Leap Specialists have specialized training on three powerful tools that work together
as a synergistic system to create unprecedented
change. With this system Quantum Leap Specialists can get their clients farther in hours than other methods do in weeks, months and even years. In the fast-paced world we live in, if we are not moving forward quickly, we are falling behind. Quantum Leap Specialists help their clients stay ahead of the curve and get where they want to go exceptionally fast.
Quantum Leap Specialists are trained in, and licensed to use, all three core products; CORE MAP, RAMP and Success-GPS.
Browse QLS Membership Plan Options and Benefits

CORE MAP is an integrated system that provides 247 measures across the entire spectrum of human behaviors. Unlike many other assessments, CORE MAP does not stop with observable traits, current preferences or other surface measures.
Surface measures cannot provide analyses of the factors most critical to personal and professional success, such as whether and to what degree natural traits and talents are developed; emotional intelligence in specific arenas; interpersonal intelligence; coping patterns and capabilities; motivators, energizers and drivers, as well as demotivators, resistors and drainers; current task-specific performance capacity; and a blueprint showing how the individual is currently using the entire spectrum of measurable human attributes.
Browse CORE-MAP Membership Plan Options and Benefits
If you could instantly and permanently remove the blocks that are holding you back and preventing you
from experiencing the kind of success
you dream of having, how might that one thing affect your future?
Imagine being able to do all the things you have always wanted to do easily and effortlessly. Imagine transforming your own life, your family, your money-making ability and your experiences almost overnight.
Now, imagine the ability to quickly and easily do the same for your coaching clients, even when they
have tried everything they know to try, including years of traditional therapy, without success. That
is what Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) delivers.
Browse RAMP Membership Plan Options and Benefits
Success-GPS assesses what a client is doing or not doing to get the results they are currently getting. When you know exactly where a client is in the moment, compared to where he/she wants to be. It goes way beyond what the client is consciously aware of and beyond what can be discovered through typical coaching methods.
There is no condition that individuals or organizations encounter that cannot be pinpointed with laser-like accuracy using this amazing tool. With Success-GPS™, you can discover the dynamics and specific areas of misalignment in individuals, couples, families, teams and organizations. Using Success-GPS, you can assess any situation and determine exactly what to focus on for the fastest, most impactful results.
Browse Success-GPS Membership Plan Options and Benefits